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Gairloch Boat Club

Junior Improvers Course 13-17 August 2018

Added on 18 August 2018

On Friday 17th August, 7 young sailors achieved the equivalent of the RYA Stage 4 Dinghy Sailing Course.

Mondays weather was very kind which meant they could sail round to the Gairloch Beach for lunch. Then despite the somewhat discouraging conditions later in the week they were all enthusiastic right to the end.

The inevitable capsizes were very expertly dealt with and sailing continued.

The Course ended with some spectacular Hull Jumping out on the Loch, and then in the Club House with the presentation of Certificates.

Thanks to all the youngsters and parents for supporting the Courses this year and especially to the Senior Instructor Sophie Faulkner, assisted by Morven MacLean.

We hope they will all come back for more practice on our Club Days, Wednesdays and Sundays.

Our next big event is the Annual Challenge Regatta Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th September,  when as many local Sailing Clubs as possible battle it out for race honours in the loch.


< Big Boat Event 2018Gunn Trophy, Lochcarron Sailing Club >