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Gairloch Boat Club

Gairloch Challenge 2012 report

Added on 08 September 2012

Gairloch Challenge 8th – 9th September 2012

The forecast suggested Southerly 16-18mph with gusts up to 30mph over the weekend – it was about right. Conditions for sailing were a wee bit challenging at times…

With sailors from Invergordon SC, Loch Morlich SC and LochCarron SC competing in this annual event against the local sailors from Gairloch Boat club, the rivalry is fierce but never OTT.  The course, set by Peter MacDonald, Gary Bulmer and Jim Brown on Friday, was well-nigh perfect, and only one adjustment was required on Saturday morning.  Mark 4 – off Kerry Bay - was moved closer to the shore to facilitate a difficult beat to the finish.

Saturday sailing was three laps and two races were run. The leg from mark 2 to the gybe mark 3 down to the harbour provided entertainment for those watching from the pier. Conditions were good with clean starts recorded by the race organisers aboard local yacht Ventura. One incident, where local sailor Joe Thornton managed to break his mast on a club Topper, provided some drama and a quick response from one of the five rescue boats ensured a happy ending! After two races, three clear leaders were moving away from the pack: Ewan and Mairi McLellan in a RS Feva; John and David Murray in a RS2000; and Dave Allen and Doug Finlayson in an Albacore. That evening, 55 of us adjourned to the Millcroft Hotel for an excellent Italian style buffet. It must have been ok as most were still there after midnight!

Sunday dawned and the midges enjoyed an early breakfast, courtesy of the sailors setting up their boats in the park. The day saw a new start and a slightly different course with three races of two laps of the course with the eagerly awaited round Horrisdale Island race as the finale. After the first race was started, three Toppers competed for the junior title around a short but difficult course. Although Caitlin Mitchell was last over the start line, she almost beat winner Iain Nelson at the finish. In the second race, the wind now gusting, the RS Feva edged ahead at the finish.

The final race - around the Island - and the first false start of the weekend: four boats, led by Peter and Dyllis MacDonald in their Wayfarer Whisper 5 were over the line and Race Officer Martin Rowe signalled a recall. Former Gairloch Harbourmaster, Jackson Elder, complained Martin should have recalled only four of the boats - well, his son Steven, along with Katie, in a Hobie cat had made a good start! A new start was made and, with a strengthening southerly wind, a fast reach brought the eleven dinghies to the west end of the island. There, they were greeted by strong gusts and, according to Loch Morlich Sailor Graham Hall, the worst conditions he had ever sailed in. After the inevitable capsizes, sorted out as ever under the watchful eyes of the rescue boat crews, the contingent weaved its way through the skerries and buoys of Badachro. After an interesting sail through the narrows, a strong run through to the finish was enjoyed by the remaining boats.

Loch Carron were worthy winners of the Gairloch Challenge, narrowly beating Gairloch for the Challenge Shield. The Friendship Quaich was awarded to Loch Morlich. In the individual section, Gairloch Boat Club Sailors Ewan and Mairi McLellan in the RS Feva were the adult winners - and they also picked up a bottle of whisky for winning the Round the Island race. Junior Individual winner was Iain Nelson, also from Gairloch Boat Club.

Thanks to: all competitors; Peter MacDonald, Safety Officer and all safety crews, especially HM Coastguard personnel who support us every year; the Millcroft Hotel for hosting the Saturday evening social; members and friends who made soup, baked and ensured that hungry sailors were well fed and watered after the races; non-sailing visitors who come because it’s such a good weekend; and local boat owners who kindly loaned their boats for the weekend.
Martin Rowe, Race Officer

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